Do Cavity Fillings Hurt? Its Causes & Treatments (2024)

It is nothing uncommon to feel concerned or fearful about getting your cavity filled. So, Do Cavity Fillings Hurt?

In a few instances, dental fillings can cause pain. The process, however, includes little to no kind of discomfort.

You will be taking a deep breath and reading on if you avoid your dental checkup during the concerns about pain.

Today, we will be outlining the processes to fill up the cavities allowing you to know what to expect realistically, considering the discomfort and pain.



Why Do Cavity Fillings Hurt? 

Do Cavity Fillings Hurt

So, how long do cavity fillings hurt? Your dentist will surely recommend filling it quickly if you have a cavity.

The fillings are performed to reduce the pain caused by cavities to eliminate the possibility of some serious infections.

The cavity will reach the tooth’s pulp, leading to intense pain if left untreated.

Untreated cavities are leading to the requirement for extensive invasive treatments, including extractions and root canals.

Your dentist will remove the tooth’s existing decay and restore it to its original shape when you are getting your cavity filled.

It would make your mouth comfortable and healthier.

The dentists will be going through where you would be expecting and the extensiveness of the t treatment.

However, various factors can also determine it. So, why do cavity fillings hurt? 

The following are a few factors affecting the amount of pain that is caused by filling:


Size and depth of the cavity

It is quite progressive when it comes to the decay of teeth, and it commences as white spots caused by smaller amounts of mineral losses in the enamel of the tooth.

You can also aid in stopping the decay of the tooth with the right kind of dental hygiene and fluoride treatments.

You should also have a cavity that needs filling if the tooth’s enamel continues to weaken.

So, how bad do cavity fillings hurt?

There would also be the smaller cavities caught early at the earliest and the quickest amount to fix.

The discomfort can be quite minimal if your cavity is not deep enough.

Always keeps in mind that the topical numbing gel will not numb the tooth tissues and just the gums on their own, allowing the needle to not cause any kind of pain or discomfort during the injection.

A few people have a phobia of needles and often dread getting the injection more than any other part of the treatment.

Even others do not prefer the numbing sensation lingering in the tongue and cheek after the cavity is filled.

For example, the topically applied numbing gel is enough to eliminate the gums’ discomfort.

Otherwise, your dentist will stop drilling, offering you the injected anesthetic if you start feeling pain.

There are deeper cavities that need the removal of more decay, taking longer to fill up.

The deep cavities are also located closer to the tooth’s nerve endings.

This kind of cavity has the effective potential of causing a significant amount of pain during treatment.

The dentists will likely be recommending an injected anesthetic for the deeper cavities unless you are tolerant to major pain.


Location of the cavity 

The following are the three kinds of cavities that point out the causes of cavity:

  • smoother surface cavities are forming on the sides of the mouth
  • fissures and pits on the cavities occurring on the biting surfaces of the molars
  • root cavities are forming near the root of the tooth

Smaller root cavities are often easily filled with the anesthetic, whereas most root cavities are easy to treat when detected early.

The tooth’s root mainly contains a softer substance known as cementum allowing the decay to happen quickly.

There are exposed roots from the receding gums leading to decay quickly since the roots are not strong as the tooth’s enamel.

These are the kind of cavities that occurs if you have any kind of gum disease.

These diseases will lead to receding gum exposing the softer root surfaces on the tooth.


Number of cavities

Your dentist will recommend filling them once and for all if you have several cavities located in similar areas of your mouth.

It would cause additional discomfort due to the lengthy times included in the treatment of the cavity.

You will have to hold your mouth open for an extended period leading to jaw pain and gags during this treatment.

You would also need additional anesthesia for the lengthy procedures.


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How long does a filling take? 

Do Cavity Fillings Hurt

The smaller fillings generally take 20 to 30 minutes to complete from the beginning to the end.

There are several deep cavities taking a long time to fill.

The following is the general process that you can expect from a filling:

  • The dentist will initially dry the area and then administer the numbing gel.
  • After your gum becomes numb, it will be injecting a local anesthetic like lidocaine. It should never hurt if your dentist is experienced. You should feel a smaller pinch or even a sting while the anesthetic starts to numb the tooth, jaw area, and gum.
  • The dentist will be using a drill to remove the decay. Several people can find the sound of the drill to be the worst part of the experience. There is a masking sound for reducing stress while listening to music, podcasts with headphones, and audiobooks.
  • The hole will get sterilized and filled once the decay has been removed. Deeper fillings are occurring near the pulp and would need a liner to lay down initially to safeguard the nerve.
  • After the filling is in its place, the dentist will start to check your bite to ensure it is even and then polishes the tooth.


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What are the different kinds of fillings? 

There are several kinds of fillings affecting the tenure of the processes and the amount of hurt this process will have on you.

The kind of filling in itself will not affect any level of discomfort.

Composite resin 

Professionals commonly use these fillers. They are applied in layers hardening into the tooth using ultraviolet light.

These prominent fillings are tooth-colored, appearing natural as it is made from acrylic resin and polished glass.

The composite resin fillings are not as durable as the other filling materials taking longer to be placed in the tooth.

They are not always recommended in deeper fillings, and it is the kind of filling that takes a longer time in these amalgam fillings.



These are the fillings in silvery gray made out of several metals, including mercury, copper, tin, and silver.

They are more cost-effective than composite resin and should be longer-lasting.

There are concerns related to mercury toxicity, meaning that these fillings are not quite popular.

There is no clinical evidence that amalgam fillings lead to mercury poisoning, although the American Dental Association has stated their safety.



The fillings are expensive, durable, and visible in the mouth.

They would need several visits for the placement.

There is always an impression that a tooth is made using a mold after decay when your tooth is cleared out.

The filling is quite bonded into your tooth subsequently to your appointment.


Glass ionomer 

It is a less durable material used for filling, especially for baby teeth and temporary fillings.

Glass ionomer is also known to release fluoride that can help prevent additional decay on teeth.

You can speak to your dentist about the benefits of each, which include appearance, safety, and durability.


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Kinds of numbing available

Some numbing agents are designed for the elimination or reduction of pain along with discomfort.

The dentist should have a personal preference for the distinctive kind.

Speak to your dentist about the numbing agent they plan to use and why it feels the best one for you.

The following are the common agents that are used for numbing:

Lidocaine: It is the commonly used numbing gel that is used as an injected anesthetic.

Benzocaine is a numbing gel mainly used on adults and kids over two years of age.

Epinephrine: This numbing agent is included in a few injections that can help the anesthesia last for a long time and work effectively.

Ensure that your dentist knows whether you are allergic to these substances or any other kind of anesthetic.

You would also be benefiting from the nitrous oxide mainly administered through a breathing mask placed on the nose if you are nervous.

Nitrous oxide reduces pain, but it is mainly used for reducing anxiety and fear.


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Does it hurt to get the filling done? 

Your tooth might feel uncomfortable or even sensitive for about a day or two after the procedure.

Mild discomfort can be temporary and normal.

However, you have to inform your dentist immediately if you feel distinctive pain or notice pus or swelling, and it may signal an infection or the need for additional treatments such as a root canal.

If you are eating or drinking something quite hot or very cold, all kinds of mild pain and sensitivity will worsen.

Breathing the cold air would also make your tooth feel tingly.

The gums would feel tender or raw for a few days, mainly while flossing or brushing your teeth.


Warning signs of the cavity 

The following are the warning signs for cavities:

  • white spots
  • dark spots
  • While you bite down on the tooth or eat or drink something hot, cold, or even sweet, sensitivity or pain can happen without any reason.
  • likely pits and holes

Cavities happen slowly and will not cause pain initially.

Ensure that your dentist knows about it if you notice any warning signs for cavities. It will not cause pain if you treat this earlier.


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How do I prevent cavities? 

Do Cavity Fillings Hurt

The ideal way to avoid the pain would be to avoid cavities. The following are a few preventative measures to avoid cavities:

  • Floss and brush twice each day
  • Use toothpaste with fluoride
  • Avoid consuming sugary food as promotes tooth decay
  • Do not drink any sugary beverages or sodas.
  • Do not suck on candies rich in sugar or chewing gum containing sugar.
  • Get regular checkups done by your dentist.


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Below we share some FAQs related to the question “Do Cavity Filling Hurt”

1. How long does a cavity filling last?

You can expect a metal filling to last for about 15 years before it requires any kind of replacement, but the tenure would vary based on various factors, including clenching or grinding of the teeth.


2. Can cavity fillings hurt?

It is quite common to fear or be concerned about getting a cavity filled.

Dental fillings are hurting in a few instances, and little to no discomfort during the treatment is the most likely cause.


3. Can fillings make cavities go away?

No, it does not! Dental fillings are used mainly for treating cavities since the dentist removes the part that is decayed and fills it to stop any further damage.


4. Number of fillings you need for a cavity?

The number of fillings is limitless and can be done in a single appointment, as your doctor would advise you to split up your filling in more than a single appointment.


5. Can we wait six months to fill a cavity?

It can take anywhere from about six months to four or five years before the cavity would need to be treated with a broader timeline.

The conditions in your mouth would be changing drastically.


6. The number of normal cavities?

Everyone can get a cavity or two, even with proper dental hygiene.

Average American adults have three fillings.


7. How will the dentists remove old fillings?

The dentists would be using high-volume suction devices.

First, the suction pulls off the particles from the tooth as the filling is being drilled out.

Next, chlorella and powdered charcoal are placed beneath the rubber dam in your mouth.


8. How long does it take to fill three cavities?

The treatment process mainly takes about 10 minutes to an hour and the time will be varied as it depends on the size and location of the cavity.

The filling is quite a common dental procedure used often for repairing teeth that are decayed or chipped on one to three surfaces while the damages are mild to moderate.


9. How would the cavities spread?

The cavities will not be spreading to any other teeth as they certainly will impact the rest of your mouth.

Initially, conditions create a cavity on a single tooth that develops into cavities and the other teeth.


10. Why do cavities appear black?

The cavity will form when there is a build-up of plaque-containing acids allowing it to erode the surfaces of the tooth’s enamel.

There is a hole in the protective layer of the tooth that at times shows a black dot.

The internal dentin of the tooth is darker and can be exposed.


Final Thoughts

It is quite stressful to get the cavity filled, but it does not always cause pain.

Smaller surface cavities can be filled in less than 30 minutes with little to no discomfort.

However, the deeper cavities near the tooth’s pulp can be quite painful, taking longer to fill.

So, do cavity fillings hurt? There are various options for the kind of filling used and the kind of anesthetic you may require.

Speak to your dentist in terms of landing on the best choices.


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