Essential Oil For Toothache: Exploring The Effectiveness (2024)

A tooth can often come up without any warning and is caused by several reasons, including gum disease and cavities.

Essential Oil For Toothache often comes as a remedy to temporarily reduce tooth pain, and it has several other benefits to oral health.

Essential oils cannot be treated as an alternative to getting your dental health examined.

But, they are sufficient to alleviate the discomfort while you wait for an appointment.

There has been some extensive research on essential oils that have been quite effective in managing tooth pains.

Today, we are going to offer you the best information about the use of essential oils for tooth pain and explain their effectiveness.



Why Use an Essential Oil For Toothache?

Why Use an Essential Oil For Toothache

It is often the best idea to try and book with your dentist when you have a toothache to ensure that it is not due to a severe issue with your gums or teeth.

There would be times when the toothache will hit you at the most inconvenient time during the night or middle of your work.

It is best to have a bit of remedy that you can use for numbing the pain till you can head out to your dentist.

It would not mean that you can pull out of the nearest lavender essential oil or cinnamon oil and put a bit in your mouth, and the pain would go away immediately.

Therefore natural remedies and essential oils can work for a toothache.

Clove oil is the best essential oil for helping you out of toothache.


Clove Essential Oil For Toothache (Syzygiumaromaticum)

The clove essential oil is generally extracted from the flower buds of the clove plant.

The oil has higher eugenol volumes, a chemical compound with pain-relieving characteristics antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

It makes up about 90% of the composition of clove oil.

The analgesic properties will make it compelling enough to reduce gum and tooth pain while they are applied topically.

They also have antibacterial properties as clove oil effectively reduces bacterial-causing cavities. So, how to use clove essential oil for a toothache?

According to the researchers, clove oil can reduce the tooth decalcification rate. Decalcification is the loss of calcium eroding enamel leading to tooth decay.

The study even found the remineralizing effects of clove oil.

It helps strengthen the enamel of the tooth, protecting the teeth and roots from the painful sensations triggered by cold, hot, or sweet impulses.


Lavender (Lavandulaangustifolia)

Since ancient times, the lavender essential oil has been the most prominent choice for aromatherapy due to its soothing scent.

The effects are not yet studied extensively in terms of treating tooth pain.

It has been found through several studies that lavender can help in reducing pain perception.

Inhaling lavender significantly can reduce the pain one experiences across several age groups with varied health conditions, as derived from the systematic review and meta-analysis.

Lavender essential oil consists of linalool rich in antifungal and antibacterial properties, which might make it beneficial to reduce the plaque in teeth and fight cavities.


How To Use Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) Essential Oil For Toothache?

Peppermint essential oil is mainly derived from the leaves and flowers of the peppermint plant as it has one of the major elements, menthol.

Menthol can aid in masking the pain sensations and also produces a counter-irritant effect on the skin.

The counter irritants warm the skin after cooling it down by alleviating the pain sensation. So,

Peppermint is also quite beneficial in reducing biofilm on the teeth and can be found in several dental formulations that include mouthwash and toothpaste.


Frankincense (Boswelliacarterii)

Frankincense essential oil is derived from the Boswellia tree resin, called olibanum.

According to the sources, it is noted that frankincense has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

It is considered to reduce pain and inflammation caused by its inhibiting actions of 5-lipoxygenase, an enzyme releasing leukotrienes.

These are mainly compounds generating inflammation in the body.

Frankincense has antibacterial properties, making it beneficial to fight cavities and gum diseases when used in oral preparation.


What are essential oils?

Essential Oil For Toothache

The botanical compounds that are extracted from the plants are essential oils.

Various portions of the plant can be used for obtaining the oil, such as:

  • fruit
  • flower
  • stem
  • root
  • leaf

There are about 100 kinds of essential oils. Each has its scent and some unique advantages.

The essential oils have been used medicinally for treating pain, inflammation, and infection for centuries.

There are several types of research that back up the effectiveness of the best essential oil for toothache.


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What Causes a Toothache?

There are several reasons behind tooth pain, and some can be quite worrying.

Tooth decay is the main cause of toothaches, such as gum diseases like gingivitis or periodontitis. It can turn out as an infection and even trauma on your teeth.

Those grinding their teeth mainly in sleep usually suffer from toothache regularly.

If you are affected by a toothache, you should visit your dentist to rule out an ulcer.

There are many varied causes for toothaches as follows:

Tooth decay or cavity

The most common factor that leads to pain in the tooth is tooth decay, which occurs due to neglecting care for the tooth due to the overconsumption of sugar and other factors beyond our control.

There are times when toothaches indicate a more severe infection and more profound, while there are other times when sensitivity can be the reason for enamel loss or cavity.

They would be triggered by a change in temperature like consuming something cold or even hot while brushing and even flossing or the pain that might be present all the time in a few of the acute cases.


Gum disease

The other leading cause of tooth pain is gum disease resulting out of inflammation of the gums to create pockets of intensely trapped bacteria.

Again, deep cleaning is the most distinctive initial step to eliminate infection and inflammation.


Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are also a great source of pain for a few people as it depends on where they are growing in.

The wisdom teeth are mainly located at the rear area of the mouth, causing pain as they are cutting through the gums growing into the mouth.


Tooth Sensitivity

There are a few people who suffer from tooth sensitivity than the rest.

People with sensitive teeth mainly notice the pain immediately after consuming any liquid or food or even hot and cold items.

Having tooth decay or toothache is a common issue, and we can take necessary measures to alleviate the pain quite quickly.


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How To Use Essential Oils For Toothache?

Essential Oils For Toothache

You can take pain and health management into your own hands, and you need not have to depend on medications or even pharmaceuticals as your pain relief option.

The following are the top 4 ways to use essential oils for toothache.

  • Directly onto the Teeth and Gums

For instant toothache relief, you need to apply essential oils directly onto the gums and teeth.

It is always best to dilute the essential oil before using it while topically applying it.

You can mix a drop of essential oil into your coconut or olive oil.

You can apply the mixture to the region of pain with the help of cotton swabs once they are mixed well.

A few oils like clove oil are applied directly to your gums and teeth.


  • Oil Pulling

One of the best ancient Ayurvedic techniques for oral health care involves swishing oil around your mouth and then spitting it out.

You can even try mixing the essential oils with coconut oil and then swish a smaller amount of oil around your mouth for about 1 to 2 minutes each time each day.

Oil pulling will stimulate saliva production and remove bacteria for tooth pain.

You can also use tea tree essential oils and mix them with coconut oil for bad breath that contains ingredients diminishing the plaque.


  • Use it with mouthwash or DIY rinse.

One of the prominent ways you can inline essential oils for toothache is mouthwash or rising.

You can use essential oils in mouthwash in one of the most natural manners for promoting better oral health or add a few drops of essential oils in water, making it your DIY rinse.

Ensure, if not swallow, the rinse just like your regular mouthwash.


  • Essential oils with toothpaste

You can use essential oils with toothpaste as this is one of the best ways you can incorporate oils into your regular oral healthcare. Clove, cinnamon, peppermint, and lavender are the best options for this. Orange and peppermint essential oils are the best choices.


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How are safe essential oils to treat tooth pain?

You can use essential oils properly for tooth pains while purchasing high-quality oils.

The FFA does not regulate essential oils as you need to search for a prominent brand and trusted manufacturer. Check out the ingredients and buy pure oils that are not pre-diluted with the rest of the ingredients.

Essential oils can lead to a few allergic reactions.

You need not patch a test on your leg or even arm first before applying it to a tooth or your gums to ensure that it will not cause a reaction.

Try to dilute it with a carrier oil or distilled water before its application if you find that the essential oil application is not comfortable.

Always make an appointment with a dentist if your pain does not go away, especially when the pain is partnered by:

  • swelling
  • inflammation
  • fever
  • oozing pus


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Below we share some FAQs related to the Essential Oil For Toothache.

Which essential oil can help kill toothache?

Clove is mainly important for your oral health. It can be indicated through clinical research that clove oil will relieve tooth pain and pungent breath and reduce gum diseases.


How to use peppermint oil for a toothache?

Peppermint oil is the other way to get short-term relief from tooth pain, and you can apply it with the help of a cotton ball.


How to apply essential oils to your teeth?

You need to use 5-10 drops of oil for every one cup of water, swishing one tablespoon of the mix at a time and spitting it out as you would do with any other mouthwash.


Can frankincense oil be placed in the mouth?

Frankincense oil has antiseptic properties making it the natural solution to fight the bacteria in the mouth causing tooth decay, plaque, and bad breath.


How to use lavender oil for a toothache?

You need to place the essential oil in a diffuser or light a lavender candle to inhale the scent and relieve tooth pain.


Can peppermint essential oil be put on gums?

You should always select the oils known for their anti-inflammatory properties, including tea tree oil, peppermint oil, clove oil, and need oil.


Is peppermint oil safe for teeth?

Peppermint is known for its numbing and cooling elements that are effective for soothing tooth and muscle aches.


Can you use tea tree oil for a toothache?

Place about one or two drops of oil directly on your tooth or the area where you are having pain.


Can the lavender essential oil be put in the mouth?

You place drops of oil under your tongue in the form of a capsule or by adding them to your food or drinks.


Can clove essential oil be used on your tooth?

Clove oil helps reduce swelling and pain while you have a toothache, but dental cavities are systematic issues, and therefore, cloves are used to aid with toothache symptoms.


Final thoughts

Having a toothache is quite an unfortunate and painful scenario but using Essential Oil For Toothache is the best remedy that can instantly alleviate the pain and start the process of healing.

The essential oil mainly contains several natural medicines and healing compounds.

Using them is the best way to incorporate natural healing remedies into the self-care home medicine cabinet.

The best thing to keep the essential oils on hand is by making many tooth care products and incorporating them into your tooth care regime.

Keep in mind that essential oils for toothache are the best and most effective remedies but would never replace the modern treatment with oil.

Therefore, it is always a great idea to speak to your doctor or dentist before using the essential oil if you are pregnant or have diabetes or heart disease.


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