Discovering Columbus Day: 7 Must-Know Facts

Federal Holiday

1. It is a national holiday in the USA that honors christopher Columbus arrival in America in 1942.


2. America were his most well known destination. He traveld there in 3 ships Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria.


3. Columbus Day is not only celebration of Columbus accomplishments. It is also a significant event for Italian- Americans.


4. Colorado became the first state to formally declare columbus Day a holiday on April 1, 1907.


5. Other countries also celebrate Columbus Day. Most Spanish Speaking nations refer to it as Dia Dela Raza. It translates to "Day of the Race".


6. The celebration of Columbus Day might differ from place to place. parades are one of the most well-liked methods to mark the occasion.


7. The fact that Columbus Day is the least recognized federal holiday in the US is one of the event's most intriguing facts.
