Are Beets Good for Diabetes? (2024)

Beetroot is often considered a superfood people use and have been using it for centuries to treat constipation, skin complaints, and fever.

There are researchers who are investigating the effects it has on blood pressure.

So, are beets good for diabetes? We will check them all in our post today!

Beets are considered one of many varieties, including the Beta vulgaris, which is mainly grown for

its edible leaves and roots.

Ever since the historical ages, people have been cultivating beets and using them often for medicinal purposes and food.

The Romans commonly used this vegetable as an aphrodisiac.



Why are beets good for diabetes? 

Why are beets good for diabetes

Beets are rich in powerful nutrients and antioxidants associated with various health benefits.

Let us now check out the proven health benefits associated with beets, including their positive impact on people with diabetes.

Lower blood sugar and insulin 

Beets have sumptuous phytochemicals that have to regulate the effect of insulin and glucose levels in humans.

Several studies show the effects of beetroot juice on blood glucose levels after its consumption.

The study has shown that drinking about 225 milliliters or less than ½ cup of beetroot juice significantly suppressed post-meal glucose levels.


Lower risk of chronic disease 

Foods having a rich amount of antioxidants, such as beets, have been demonstrated to help prevent disease.

Antioxidants battle free radicals, which can harm cells and hence help to prevent disease.

The cellular damage due to the free radicals is considered Oxidative stress.

It is associated with various severe diseases such as heart disease as well as cancer.

Beets carry up to 1.7 millimoles containing antioxidants per 3.5 ounces, namely betalains, which give them their scarlet hue.

They even contain several other compounds suppressing inflammation linked to several severe medical conditions.


Lower risk of diabetes complications 

Significant damage to your small and larger blood vessels happens from diabetes.

It then leads to further complications affecting your heart, kidneys, eyes, and other body parts.

Research has shown that the antioxidant properties of beets reduce the risk of diabetes complications including:

  • retinopathy
  • kidney disease
  • neuropathy and diabetic foot disease
  • cardiovascular disease


Reduced insulin resistance 

According to some data, these are some of the metabolites present in high proportions in beets that may help lower insulin resistance.

Human blood levels of the same metabolite are shown to be lower in patients with insulin resistance, prediabetes, and coronary heart disease than in healthy people.

The studies also involve a smaller number of participants and several other required types of research.

It is possible that the reduced resistance to insulin can be one of the benefits of consuming beetroot, and it would potentially be advantageous for people suffering from diabetes.


Lower blood pressure 

In diabetics, high blood pressure can also cause a problem. Beets or beetroot juice can significantly aid in reducing blood pressure levels.

When subjected to this juice, individuals with hypertension witnessed a great reduction in their blood pressure levels.

The blood vessels of people also became flexible when treated with beet.

The effects are thought to be caused by the nitrates in beet juice, which function by widening blood vessels and boosting blood flow.

One hundred calories and 23 grams of carbs are included in one cup of beet juice.

Beetroot juice has also been shown to lower systolic blood pressure readings in studies.

The pressure within your blood vessels associated with your heartbeats is measured by systolic blood pressure.

A randomized controlled trial discovered that the nitrates present in beetroot juice could help reduce the central blood pressure in people suffering from type 2 diabetes.


Reducing nerve damage 

A review of the studies published also suggested that alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant present in beets that can help reduce nerve damage in people suffering from diabetes.

Nerve damage is a common symptom of diabetes.

However, the benefits can be limited to the injections of this acid.

However, it is quite unclear whether the significant improvements noticeable with the oral administration of alpha-lipoic acid are clinically relevant or not.


Improving exercise performance 

There has been research suggesting that consuming beet juice can significantly improve the ability of your muscles to consume oxygen during physical activity and improve tolerance towards exercise.

Exercise can help reduce the risk by slowing down the progression of cardiovascular diseases and other kinds of disorders.

This specifically benefits people having diabetes as they are susceptible to these conditions.



The red color of beets is due to betalains, which have now been demonstrated to offer numerous health advantages.

“Persons who eat beets daily have a decreased risk of cancer, coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and digestive system disorders than people who don’t eat beets.”

It’s even been proven that drinking beet juice is beneficial.

According to studies, athletes or even inactive people who consumed beet juice before exercising were able to exercise for 12-15 percent longer than those who drank a placebo juice.


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What are the risks and interactions? 

Are Beets Good for Diabetes

Organic nitrate as well as nitrite medicines, which are used to treat angina, may be less effective if dietary nitrate levels are high.

This diet may also interfere with the effectiveness of PDE-5 inhibitors, which are used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Because it can introduce the beet to certain types of bacteria, nitrates in improperly handled beet juice can transfer to the potentially hazardous chemical nitrite.

Make sure you keep your beets properly.

As soon as the leaves come in the kitchen, cut them away from the root by about 2 inches.

Refrigerate the bulbs for up to 10 days.

Keep the leaves in their own bag and consume them within two days.

A smaller portion of people experience beeturia, where their urine turns red after consuming beets.

It, however, will not lead to other kinds of harmful effects.


How to buy beets? 

Many amazing selections of beets at the shop will provide excellent nutritional content.

Beets have more antioxidant value than certain vegetables that lose their nutritional value even during canning.

Ordering them fresh is also a good option because you can use the stalks as a salad accent.

In terms of nutrients, these greens are on par with kale.


A diabetes-friendly diet with beet 

To increase the nutritional value of beets, you can cook them by boiling them in water until they are tender, or you can roast them.

You can add balsamic vinegar or mustard to offer it a different taste if you are not sure about the flavor of beets.

There would be times when trying something new or different foods can be tough.

But, it is worth looking at the varied ways to incorporate them into your weekly meals when you are trying food that is packed with this number of benefits.



Below we share some FAQs related to the question “Are Beets Good For Diabetes”

1. Can beets help to reduce blood sugar levels?

Yes. Beets include phytochemicals that help regulate blood sugar levels as well as enhance insulin sensitivity.

Because they are highly nutritious, they can aid in the prevention of diabetes complications such as nerve and eye damage, as well as disease prevention in general.


2. Do beets increase insulin sensitivity?

Starchy vegetables, such as beets, jicama, carrots, and others, have a greater carb content and, as a result, can spike blood sugar faster than non-starchy vegetables.


3. Are beets high in carbohydrates, and should diabetics avoid them?

Beets are an excellent addition to a diabetes diet even though they are low in calories and contain only 13 grams of carbs per cooked cup.

They’re high in fiber, which can help avoid blood sugar spikes.


4. Can you drink beet juice being a diabetic?

Beetroot or carrot juice works positively for people suffering from diabetes since they have a low glycemic score.

The juice is also rich in neo-betalain and betalain, which aids in reducing sugar glucose levels.


5. How good is ginger for diabetics?

Ginger is the most effective addition to your treatment for diabetes if you are using them in moderation.

Consuming about 4 grams every day can help lower your blood sugar levels and regulate insulin production.


6. How do you quickly drop your blood sugar?

When your blood sugar level rises abnormally, the condition is termed hyperglycemia or high blood glucose.

To lower it instantly, you can use rapid-acting insulin. Another quick and effective strategy to reduce blood sugar is to exercise.

In some circumstances, you must go to the hospital rather than deal with it at home.


7. Who should stay away from beets?

Beetroot consumption can be hazardous to those with low blood pressure; in fact, beetroot consumption decreases blood pressure even more.

As a result, persons who suffer from low blood pressure should avoid beetroot in their diet.

Beetroot should not be included in the diet of people who have stone difficulties.


8. Does beets have a higher consistency of iron?

Beetroots are rich in iron, an important element of red blood cells.

Without this, the red blood cells will not be able to transport oxygen throughout your body.

At times, people having lower iron levels develop a condition known as anemia or iron deficiency.

The addition of sources of iron to your diet can effectively reduce the risk happening out of this condition.


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In Conclusion 

Beets are good for diabetes because

  • Beetroots are rich in antioxidants and nitrates that help keep your blood vessels healthy.
  • Beets can improve your insulin sensitivity while also helping in regulating your blood sugar levels.
  • Make a juice of them or eat them raw to maximize the benefits.
  • For any side effects or queries related to beets, consult your doctor.


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