How to cancel pure barre membership in 2024 (Most Easy Ways)

In this article, we share step-by-step ways “How to cancel Pure Barre Membership“?

Pure Barre is a perfect destination for fitness enthusiasts who love to work out and focus on physical health.

For this, the members can practice proper exercise with light weights, isometric movement, and many other low-risk exercises at the Pure Barre Center.

So those who have any physical injuries or prefer to stick with light exercises should visit Pure Barre.

However, sometimes, due to some health or personal reasons, the members of Pure Barre have to cancel their membership.

But it’s always a question of how to do it. This article about Pure Barre membership cancellation is here as a guide.



How to cancel Pure Barre membership Online?

If you are not satisfied with the Pure Barre experience anymore, in that case, there is no reason to keep the membership. 

So, if you have booked the Pure Barre Membership online, then you have to cancel the service online as well. 

So, if you want to cancel the Pure Barre Membership through 



How to cancel Pure Barre membership Online

● Open the Pure Barre website on your Windows or IOS device.

● Then, log into your Pure Barre account.

● After that, at the top of the screen, you’ll find the ‘Info’ Icon or the ‘Account’ Option; click the button.

● Then, to cancel the membership, it will directly take you to a contact page.

● There, among the options, click the ‘submit your information link.’ 

● After that, enter your email ID, contact number, and other required information. 

● After that, you will notice the option “Cancel” in the field.

● Then, provide the description that is required and send the form and your cancellation request to the Pure Barre company.



● First, open the Pure Barre account on your Android or iPhone 

● After that, ensure you are logged into your Pure Barre account.

● After that, on the screen, look for the option ‘Info’ or ‘Account’. 

● Then, after clicking on the button like the website, it will directly take you to a contact page.

● Then, find the option ‘submit your information link.’ 

● Provide the information required before filling out the cancellation form.

● Then, go to the ‘Cancel’ option in the subject field.

● After that, send or submit the cancellation request to the Pure Barre company.



How to cancel pure barre membership

● Create a message, and use the correct email ID of yourself and Pure Barre, which is ondеmand@purеbarrе.com.

● After that, the message explains your situation and includes why you want to cancel your Pure Barre membership.

● Also, the message mentions that you want to cancel your Pure Barre membership.

● Then, send it to the above email address. 


How do you cancel Pure Barre Membership in the store?

If you have purchased your Pure Barre membership from a store, then it’s also necessary that you cancel the membership from the same store as well.

For the store purchase membership, the customers are not allowed to cancel it online. 

So, to cancel the membership in-store,

● Visit the Pure Barre store you purchased the membership from. 

● After that, they asked the employee if you wanted to cancel your Pure Barre membership.

● Most of the time, employees won’t try to convince you, but if they still do, just deny it.

● Then, don’t forget to carry your identification proof and photocopy and provide them to the Pure Barre staff. 

● After that, complete the cancellation procedure and, if required, fill out the Pure Barre membership cancellation form. 

● After that, we didn’t have your hours, and your Pure Barre membership would be canceled.


How do you cancel Pure Barre Membership by phone?

Fortunately, you can’t cancel the Pure Barre membership through the phone.

The process would be very easy if Pure Barre could cancel the Pure Barre membership by phone.

But to cancel a membership, many things are required, and the employees have to check that it’s you who is canceling the Pure Barre membership, not anyone else. 

Therefore, you can’t cancel your Pure Barre membership by calling, but still, if you are curious, then you can contact the store from which you have purchased the Pure Barre membership, or you can also contact the Pure Barre customer service through


How do you cancel Pure Barre Membership after purchasing it from a third-party marketplace?

 If you have purchased the Pure Barre membership to a third-party marketplace, then you have to handle your membership cancellation from that third-party marketplace.

You will hardly get any service or guidance from Pure Barre for the third-party marketplace membership purchase. 

So, to cancel the Pure Barre membership at Third Party Marketplace,

● Visit or contact the Third-party store or site from where you purchased the Pure Barre membership.

● They discuss the reason you want to cancel your Pure Barre membership. 

● Then, provide the necessary information and documents asked by the employee from the third-party marketplace 

● Complete the cancellation procedure, and it’s done.

● If the third-party marketplace denies Pure Barre membership cancellation, you must contact the companies or Pure Barre customer service for guidance.


How do you get a Refund after Canceling your Pure Barre Membership?

After your Pure Barre membership is successfully canceled, you are eligible to get your Pure Barre, depending on the policies and circumstances of your membership. 

 If you have used the Pure Barre, you are not eligible for a full refund.

However, you will receive a refund for credit and classes not being used or remaining in your Pure Barre membership.

Also, for canceling the November ship, there are some penalties that you may have to pay. But there is nothing to worry about.

The company will provide all the necessary information and details of your refund, its fee, and penalties. 


Does Pure Barre allow freezing the membership instead of canceling it?

Sometimes, members experience some situations like traveling, work sickness, or any other reason they couldn’t continue with the workout session provided by Pure Barre.

In such a case, instead of canceling the Pure Barre membership, the members can freeze the membership for up to 12 months. 

However, sometimes, for membership freezing, customers have to pay some penalties and fees.

It won’t be a big issue for the members and is not expensive. 


