5 Ways To Address Bruxism In Children (2024)

In this article we share 5 ways to address bruxism in children.

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a common concern among parents, especially regarding their children’s dental health.

While it’s easy to dismiss it as a harmless habit, prolonged bruxism can lead to severe dental problems, including tooth damage, jaw pain, and sleep disruption.

The good news is that mitigating this issue, particularly in children, is entirely possible.

Below are the five effective strategies to address bruxism in children, offering parents peace of mind and ensuring the long-term dental health of their little ones.



5 Ways To Address Bruxism In Children

Below we share 5 ways

Dental Intervention

Though bruxism may occur both consciously during the day and unconsciously at night, sleep bruxism tends to pose a higher risk, often leading to a range of dental complications like tooth fractures, loss of tooth enamel, and even temporomandibular joint disorders. 

Timely dental intervention is crucial in managing bruxism.

Your dentist can detect signs of bruxism long before serious complications develop, thus offering an opportunity for early intervention.

One of the most common dental treatments for bruxism is using mouthguards or occlusal splints.

These devices, worn during sleep, help distribute the force of grinding and reduce the chances of damage to the teeth.

Another approach is Dental Correction, which involves modifying the biting surfaces of the teeth to optimize the bite.


Stress Management

While the exact causes of bruxism remain uncertain, research indicates a higher prevalence among adults reporting stress and anxiety.

While it’s still unclear if stress directly results in bruxism, it’s undeniable that there’s a connection between the two conditions.

Like adults, children also experience stress, which could also contribute to bruxism.

That’s why stress management plays a crucial role in addressing bruxism. Here are some effective techniques that can help:

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Regular mindfulness practice and meditation can help reduce stress levels, promoting relaxation and, ultimately, reducing the instances of bruxism.
  2. Physical Exercise: Regular physical activity can help manage stress by enhancing the production of endorphins, the body’s natural mood elevators.
  3. Adequate Sleep: Ensuring adequate and quality sleep is crucial as it can decrease stress levels and help reduce the prevalence of bruxism.
  4. Balanced Diet: A healthy, balanced diet with adequate nutrients can boost your overall health, help manage stress, and indirectly aid in controlling bruxism.

While these techniques can significantly help manage bruxism, it’s essential not to neglect professional help. Dentists can provide suitable devices like mouthguards to prevent tooth damage from grinding, while psychologists can offer cognitive-behavioral therapies to manage stress better. 


Regular Dental Check-ups

Initiating dental visits at an early age for children can significantly enhance their oral health in the long run.

These proactive assessments can prevent the onset of dental caries and tooth decay, which, if left untreated, can cause discomfort, distraction, and further health complications.

Moreover, routine dental visits allow for early detection of bruxism, often before the patient is even aware of their nocturnal grinding.

Dentists can identify telltale signs of bruxism, such as tooth wear, enamel fractures, and changes in bite alignment.

Dentists can provide custom treatment plans tailored to the individual’s needs.

This may include recommending a custom-made night guard to protect the teeth from grinding or referring the patient to a specialist for further evaluation and treatment.

Regular dental check-ups allow for ongoing monitoring of the patient’s condition to prevent further damage.

This includes regular adjustments to the night guard and oral health advice to mitigate the impact of bruxism.


Mouth Excercise

Bruxism exercises ideally tackle both the origins and the consequences of teeth grinding.

Jaw tension, one of the bruxism triggers, can also develop due to the action of grinding itself.

This tension can be discomforting, potentially resulting in headaches, ear pain, or jaw joint discomfort.

Stress is another significant contributor to bruxism. 

Practices like relaxation exercises can aid in maintaining stable blood pressure, improving sleep quality, and lessening the overall strain on your body, including the teeth.

Mouth exercises primarily aim to strengthen your jaw muscles and improve flexibility.

They offer a non-invasive, cost-effective method to reduce the frequency of bruxism.

Regular practice can lower the intensity of jaw clenching and teeth grinding, relieving associated symptoms such as headaches and jaw pains.

One simple exercise your child can do involves placing the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth and gradually opening your jaw as wide as possible.

This exercise helps realign the jaw, minimizing the chances of teeth grinding.

Another effective practice is repeatedly sliding the tongue along the front of the teeth, relaxing the jaw muscles.

While these exercises can be performed at home, consulting a dental professional is always advisable.

They can guide your child through a personalized exercise routine, ensuring maximum effectiveness and safety.

Consistency is key when reaping the benefits of mouth exercises. 


Limit Stimulants

Another potential strategy to mitigate bruxism involves limiting the consumption of stimulants.

Stimulants like caffeine and tobacco are often found to exacerbate the symptoms of bruxism, particularly when consumed close to bedtime. 

Stimulants, such as caffeine and sugar, can exacerbate bruxism in children.

These substances increase alertness and energy, which can lead to increased muscle activity, including that of the jaw muscles. This, in turn, can trigger teeth grinding.

Reducing the intake of stimulants can alleviate the symptoms of bruxism.

Avoiding caffeinated beverages and sweets, especially close to bedtime, can reduce the excitation of the nervous system and subsequent teeth grinding.



Addressing bruxism in children requires a multifaceted but doable approach.

Remember, ensuring your child’s overall well-being can significantly lessen the effects of bruxism and provide them with a more comfortable and healthy lifestyle.


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